Creations by Tracey Farrell - A Renaissance Woman

Hand Drawn

This symbol or emblem is created by utilizing familiar symbols represented by most of the Primary World Faiths integrated into one unique symbol.

Although in this design some symbols are larger than others this is not because of any preference of one over the other but only to fit into the completed design.

Framed Reproduction:
5"x5" or 8"x8"

5.5"x 5.5"

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Although not all of the world religions are represented in this symbol, all of the world religions have an emblem that reflects the belief in One God and Without Beginning or End.

Each religion focuses on and expresses specific Virtues. Virtues are qualities of the Ultimate Creator. Virtuous qualities prevail within every human life, whether a member of a religious following or not. As we grow and progress spiritually, recognizing our soulful aspect of human existence, virtuous qualities become revealed in our thinking and daily actions and within the exchanges in our daily relationships.

Hindu – Aum Symbol
Evoke the Virtues of Creation/Creativity and Purification – Sacred Existence
original sound of creation).

Hindu – Lotus Flower
Evoke the Virtues of Purification and Detachment; Observation without judgement.

Buddhist – Wheel Symbol Evoke the Virtues of Discipline and Wisdom,
Concentration and Mindfulness, Respect and Care.

Jewish – Star of David
Evoke the Virtues of Strength and Protection, Protector; Command of Goodness
over evil; Balance and Harmony; Grounded in Spirit; Heaven on Earth
(as above – so below).

Zoroastrian – Fire Symbol
Evoke the virtues of Life and Growth; Purification,
Veneration; Dispel darkness, Bestow Light and Warmth; Sustenance;
Illumination; Energy; Truth and Order.

Tao – Yin Yang
Evoke the Virtues of Interdependence and Equality;
Balance and Harmony; Respect and Honor of Masculine and Feminine.

Christian – Cross Symbol
Evoke the Virtues of Sacrifice and Ultimate Love; Giving of Self for the
Greater Good; Giving for the Benefit of others; Letting go of lesser for
Betterment of self and others.

Islam / Muslim Crescent Moon
Evoke the Virtues of Observation and Rejuvenation, Cycle of Life; Acceptance,
Flow of Divine Revelation; Phases of Life.

Sikh – Khanda Symbol
Evoke the Virtues of Truth and Steadfastness to what is Right, Knowledge of
Eternal Nature of God; Oneness of Humanity; Political and Spiritual Sovereignty.

Baha’i – 9 Point Star
Evoke the Virtues of Completion and Wholeness; Comprehensiveness;
Culmination; Glorification; Consultation; Integration, Consideration;
Perfection; Cooperation and Unity.


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