A Lover's Precious Dance Book 1: Love's Allure

Book 1: Love's Allure, Code: W.LPD.I

Love Poems by Tracey Farrell, 42 pages, Published: 2008

Print Version: 5.33” x 8.33”, Paperback
Pickup Price: $13.00 or $30.00
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World conflict and human struggle for peace and love speak to each human heart and soul. The poems compiled here are a life and breath expression of deep endearment.

The experience of love invites expressions to surface from realms of the heart, mind and soul where treasures of deep joy, passion and contentment reside. These poems are inspirations of fluid response. I have come to feel certain that the ultimate love which every person seeks can only be found in our intimate and personal relationship with The Supreme Creator, whatever name or form you choose that brings you closer to the Divine.

Many of the poems take an unusual physical shape. These shapes were, not labored, not even intended, but discovered once I center them on the page.

From the book:


A man as a dreamer deep and true
reaching and touching
far distant realms.

I see a gift of precious and few
onto himself and all humans
for whom he comes to know.

A man as a lover of passions and dear
deep in intent and soul
luring to be my alluring.

In this kaleidoscope I like what I see.


The hour is late
but I can not find sleep
without revealing to you what I find
from my heart and mind what is deep

I now see clear – you have lifted the veil
thank you for showing to my heart
what my heart love without fail
but did not know sure
and now see pure

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